
Showing posts from April, 2020

The TORAH Teacher

 You teach about TORAH, what about the BRIT CHADASHAH??? Have you forgotten there are 2 Covenants of the BIBLE? THE NEW AND OLD? Why are you so obsessed with the OLD? Don't you know when you are so old, you become legalistic and you become the Pharisee that crucified my Adonai Tzeva'ot? You have 24 hours to repent OR I will cut you, remove you, block you out, but I can give you the pleasure of blocking me first... I really don't mind! I don't need LEGALISTIC JEW-WANNABE-GENTIL ES who will once again crucify my CHRIST!!!  Titus 1:10-16 Rebuking Those Who Fail to Do Good 10 For there are many REBELLIOUS people, full of meaningless talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision group. 11 They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach—and that for the sake of dishonest gain. 12 One of Crete’s own prophets has said it: “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.”[c] 13 Th...

The Indifferent Laodicean Bishop/Shepherd

Dear Bishop of Laodicea with a Smyrna Wife Even if I have an earthy father it doesn't mean I am spiritually covered Even if I am materially provided, it doesn't mean I am honored or justified Even if you see me as strong doesn't mean I can defend myself   Where is the justice that I expected from you?  What good is your title of a Bishop if you are not going to act like a Bishop and correct Pastors who are disobeying GOD? Pastors are under the accountability of a Bishop, this is what Bishops are for, they oversee the Pastors who shepherd GOD's flock and if they do wrong, it is your responsibility to correct them or bring their attention. If you don't have Pastors under you then what good is the title of a Bishop??? You are more concerned of the reputation of the wicked than defending the weak and helpless. You won't allow evil to be exposed, okay but you will just let evil get away??? You're not gonna do anything about it??? Even if ...

To the Preacher who disregards his wife

Dear Preacher, I have disconnected from you because I have listened to your teaching and tested your spirit but I am saddened to say that I have you found to be lacking in the faith, because I see that you are not sensitive to your wife, you claim to know the LORD but you disregard the thoughts and opinions of your wife, you dishonor her and so I don't want to be connected with you at all... I have no right to rebuke you because who am I, right? But if you are wondering why I'm not in your friend list, then conside r that a warning from the LORD and then the second warning will be from somebody else...because you preach GOD but you live like a Muslim, and I don't want to be connected to the curse you inherit from this sin coming from a wrong believing... wrong doing comes from wrong beliefs. Even if you praise your wife publicly saying she's the most beautiful girl alive, that don't mean you honor her in your heart and mind... and KING YESHUA sees all t...

KING YESHUA heals HIV dying person

3rd Watch at 1.45AM to 3.15AM 22 Nissan 5780 16 April 2020 Watchman's Report Dear Sugbo, I want to share to you how GOD healed a boy with HIV through me and my allies. On a 222, the KING JESUS, Adonai Tzeva'ot came to me in my House on a wonderful Shabbat afternoon. Of course I didn't understand HIS presence on Feb 20, 2020 when HE ordered me to write a letter of warning. But on the 22nd of February HE revealed Himself to me as a KING the way HE used to come to me on a Jerusalem Jubilee of 2017... I could not control myself, I have to keep posting because HE had appointed me A NIGHT GUARD or a WATCHMAN of the City Gates of the Philippines, Sugbo. GOD has been making me fight spiritual wars ever since HE came to me as Commander KING of Heaven's Armies. A Watchman is a Soldier they Guard the Gates on the walls. And if there's enemy attacking, we sound the alarm, we warn of incoming bombs, and we shoot all our arrows because we are in a Spiri...

Yiska, The Watchman from Sugbo, PH

 2nd Watch of 20th Nissan 5780  13 April 2020 Pesach 6 What is a Watchman?? I felt very much  compelled by the LORD to write about what I do in HIS Kingdom after giving two letters of warnings to my family in the LORD. One was received warmly because of his humble spirit, GOD had already been speaking to him about his sin but it was only after 40 days that the LORD had led me to warn him strongly of his sin. Right away he responded and heeded GOD's warnings, without defending himself, he was already soaked in GOD's Spirit that had been telling him because he has been seeking the LORD about the matter. His issue was rather to clear to everyone around him that he was sinning, everybody knew of it except him. Kinda like I was when I was the deceived rebel. If you warn them of future punishments, it stirs them to repent. This is the Prophecy of Joel. The purpose of a Watchman is to warn people of GOD's impending punishment towards them because they do not know...